Ateliér Brno was founded in 1991 by the architect Petr Hrůša (*1955) and in the following year the architect Petr Pelčák (*1963) became his business partner. In 1998, their design studio was renamed Architekti Hrůša & Pelčák and continued to function under this name until 2007. In 2008, Petr Pelčák founded his own studio Pelčák a partner architekti whilst his former colleague renamed the original studio Architekti Hrůša & spol., Ateliér Brno. Hrůša and Pelčák, both natives of Brno, graduated at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Technology in Brno. Together in 1989 they set up the association Obecní dům Brno whose aim was to bring significant Czech and central European architects to the notice of the public with the help of exhibitions and publications.
Ateliér architektů Hrůši a Pelčáka made their name primarily through housing projects, either detached houses or apartment blocks, but also through projects for administrative buildings. Two of their early projects worth mentioning are the small scale council flats in Slavonice (1997) and the utility building of Povodí Moravy in Olomouc (1996). The latter especially, already shows the future course of both architects who make no secret of their admiration for inter-war Modernism whilst also being attracted to Classic forms and tectonics. Buildings openly displaying their roots in inter-war architecture and Functionalism in Brno are: the apartment block in Vídeňská Street in Brno (2005), the exceptionally austere Town Hall of Komín, Brno (2002) and, likewise, the administrative building of the Blata Company in Blansko (2001).
Alongside the above-mentioned buildings, Hrůša with Pelčák have also designed a wide range of buildings built mainly in Brno, with their revitalization of Denis Gardens in Brno being a significant undertaking (2005). Two of the latest design projects by both architects (finished in 2009 under the Architekti & spol. label) feature a robust austerity, tectonics and an organized structure and seem to epitomize the architects' idea of architecture. The first project is a group of four straightforward, almost barrack-like apartment blocks in Brno-Jundrov, the second is the expansive Trinity administrative block with its severe facade in Brno.
In 2008, both architects went their separate ways. However, they continue working successfully in similar style. Among the notable design projects carried out by Architekti & spol. are for example, their reconstruction of the Brno House of Arts (2009), the administrative building on Rohanský Embankment in Prague (2012) or the multi-storey car park Domini Park in Brno (2014). Petr Pelčák's captivating designs include the archaeological headquarters built in Mikulovice (2013), the reconstruction and final construction of the campus of the Faculty of Philosophy (2015) and the Faculty of Informatics building (2014) at Masaryk University in Brno, as well as several apartment block developments in that town.
Administrative and utility building of Povodí Moravy, Olomouc
Block of council flats, Slavonice
Administrative building, Blansko
Building of the town hall in Komín, Brno-Komín
Apartment block, Brno-Štýřice
Vaňkovka shopping centre, Brno
Revitalization of Denis Gardens, Brno (together with Ateliér zahradní a krajinářské architektury)
Apartment blocks, Brno-Jundrov
Trinity administrative centre, Brno
Petr Pelčák Architekt