Jana Waisserová was born into and grew up in the culturally stimulating environment of Litomyšl. After graduating at the Litomyšl College of Teaching, where she studied teaching music, she chose to study art at the School of Restoration and Conservation Techniques in Litomyšl (today's Faculty of Restoration, University of Pardubice) where she enrolled in the studio of sculpture. She later widened her range of specialized areas to restoring stuccowork, sgraffito and other related materials. At the same time, she studied art history at the Philosophical Faculty at Palacký University in Olomouc where she specialized in Renaissance art.
The Renaissance period has dominated her profession as a restorer. She has taken part in the restoration of a wide range of Renaissance monuments (e.g. Kratochvíle Chateau near Netolice, the Renaissance sgraffito in Telč, the sgraffito facades of town houses in Slavonice, etc.). Simultaneously, she carries out systematic research into Jewish monuments and undertakes their restoration throughout the Czech Republic (e.g. synagogues in Jičín, Mikulov, Krnov and Březnice).
Jana Waisserová was also active in theatre circles, namely in the Filigrin theatre company, put together by the publisher Ladislav Horáček from people with connections to the restoration school and the Paseka publishing house. Their most significant and most popular project was the opera based on the motif of Váchal's Bloody Novel, in which Waisserová acted and sang, and for which she also designed the sets.