Michal Bačák is one of the most distinctive personalities on the contemporary illustration scene. Alongside working on artistic designs for books, he creates illustrations for magazines, porcelain sets, wallpapers and interior walls.
From 2004 to 2010, he studied at the Design výrobků II studio in Zlín which is under the auspices of the Academy of Arts Architecture and Design in Prague. He took part in study programmes in Zagreb and Rotterdam, and underwent work experience at the LAVA Grafisch Ontwerpers studio in Amsterdam.
Within his profession and his freelance work he concentrates on hand-drawn illustrations. A typical feature of his work is his attention to line and detail. He combines folklore, natural and sci-fi motifs with ease, giving the impression of realistic drawings in which we can detect minute tricks of fantasy and artistic puns.
Michal Bačák is the co-founder and a member of the association Vyrobeno lesem (Produced by the Forest), which attempts to bring a forest atmosphere to elements of industrial and graphic design. Bačák cooperates with smaller art studios, with his drawings decorating porcelain from the Křehký studio and furniture inspired by the Biedermeier period on which he works in cooperation with Michael Tomišková from the Dechem studio. He has also, however, carried out illustration work for companies such as Preciosa or Pietro Filipi.
He has taken part in the artistic concept of several interior designs, e.g. Archaeopark Pavlov and, above all, designs for Prague restaurant businesses. In 2017, he was awarded the 2016 Czech Grand Design, Illustrator of the Year prize which is awarded by the organizers of Prague Designblok together with the Design Academy of the Czech Republic.
Artistic concept of interior design of the VELTLIN wine bar, Křižíkova 488/115, 186 00 Prague 8
Chudá sada (porcelain)
Mísy Folk (porcelain)
Illustration for Newsweek magazine
Cooperation on the artistic concept of the interior design of the Myšák confectionary, Vodičkova 710/31, 110 00 Prague 1