In view of her position as Litomyšl's town architect, but also as a result of personal conviction, Zdeňka Vydrová takes care of the town as a whole, making sure that new architectonic additions to its fibre are of the highest merit, do not clash with each other and are in tune with their surroundings.
She pays no less attention to spatial planning and the enhancement of public spaces – not just the square and parks, but also inconspicuous side-streets and quiet corners. One such project by Zdeňka Vydrová (initiated it is said by the local People's Party) concerns the addition of a passageway leading from the car-park below the castle to the historical centre. Originally, there was no footpath or road here, and thus this walkway introduces new spatial relationships, enlivening this section of the town.
The architect approached the project with a great deal of respect. As she herself says, her aim was to “convey a backstreet atmosphere”. The passageway features a traditional stone-paved lane, lined with stone walls and metal and wooden gates, and includes street lights and well-established greenery, giving the street the impression of always having been there. It runs through what were originally private gardens, the degree to which the owners were willing to relinquish part of their property thus determining its crooked course.