Bernardka and Zahájí

Trail begins: Smetanovo náměstí
GPS: 49.8729467N, 16.3092811E, stáhnout GPX nebo KML

The area known as Bernardka, in the close vicinity of the town square, could, from the point of view of urbanism and heritage protection, be considered one of the most problematic localities in the town. 20th century urban development demanded the demolition of the historical suburb. Moreover, the new buildings in their city-like scale disrupted the characteristic “dainty” building rhythm of Litomyšl. This applies to the Neo-Renaissance palatial buildings of Smetana House and the Girls' School as well as to the panel-built housing estate from the 1970s. The trail highlights these insensitive interventions but also points to measures improving this space, and continues on towards the Zahájí suburb with its mainly private housing development.


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